Microblogging Structure?

How will we set up our microblogs?

Random thoughts as we wait for Micro.Blog to launch.


It looks like there are two basic ways to configure microblogs:

  1. Set up a page for only your microblog posts – either on your own site or through a hosted service.
  2. Mix your microblog posts with your regular blog posts.

I wonder which will become the “accepted” way to configure your microblog. From a technical standpoint, both are reasonably easy to configure. 

If you collect all your microblog posts on a single page, it most closely mimics Twitter. But while many of us think of Micro.blog as a Twitter replacement, it is a different service. And some conventions that work on Twitter may not work as well on Micro.Blog.

Personally, I like the way that microblog posts and regular posts can be intermingled. (Manton has his own site set up this way.)

I think the best option for you will come down to how interrelated the content of your blog and microblog are. What would it look like if your blog posts and Twitter feed were interwoven? If they are similar, combining them will make sense. But if you write about technology on your blog and the bulk of your microblog posts are about bird watching, I don’t think it makes sense to combine them.

I look forward to seeing how the service functions before I make any significant decisions. On Sketchbook B, I’ve started to experiment with a separate Microblog page. (The RSS feed coming out of Squarespace seems to conform to the basic microblog structure. More on that in a future post.) I’m not sure I’ll leave it that way. For backing the Kickstarter, I'll get 12 months of Micro.Blog hosting so I'll probably start over there. But I like the idea of hosting all of my writing here, either on it's own page or integrated with my longer blog posts.

Let me know what you think on Twitter or on the Indie Microblogging Slack channel.

Bob Wertz writes about design, technology and pop culture at Sketchbook B. Bob is a Columbia, South Carolina-based designer, creative director, college instructor, husband and dad. He’s particularly obsessed with typography, the creative process and the tools we use to create. In his spare time, he is contemplating this whole microblogging thing will work. Follow Bob on Twitter and Instagram.