52 Shirts: Commonly asked questions

Yes, you can purchase the shirts.

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Each week for a year, I’m designing a shirt and releasing it on my Threadless store.


I’m six weeks into my new shirt-a-week project. I wanted to answer a few common questions…

You can purchase the shirts. I’m using Threadless to produce the shirts. Each shirt is produced on-demand, which means that you can get any design in a range of colors and shirt types. It’s easy to get confused by all the shirt types. I’m working on a post to explain all the options that are available.

Read the accompanying blog post. Yes, I’m designing a shirt a week, but I’m also writing a blog post about the meaning behind each design. Some weeks, the shirt designs are straightforward. But other designs, like this week’s Copyright 1975, require a little more explanation. And that’s where the blog post comes in. I enjoy writing the blog post as much as I love designing the shirts.

I release new designs on Sundays. At some point on Sunday, I make the new shirt available on Threadless and publish the blog post. I use Buffer to schedule the social media during the week.

Save some money. For the week after I launch a new shirt, all of the shirts are discounted. The discount starts Sunday afternoon and ends when the new shirt launches the next Sunday.

Bob Wertz writes about design, technology and pop culture at Sketchbook B. Bob is a Columbia, South Carolina-based designer, creative director, college instructor, husband and dad. He’s particularly obsessed with typography, the creative process and the tools we use to create. He's currently in the middle of a project to design a new shirt a week for an entire year. Follow Bob on TwitterInstagram and Micro.Blog.