Earlier this week, I failed.

At the very end of October, I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo, an “event” where you commit to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. I started an account. I joined the local Facebook group. I was excited. I had an idea. I was ready to write.

In fact, I was going to write here about the experience of writing a novel.

As I started to read the advice from others, I realized that they had been planning for months. Working on outlines. Character concepts. They had a plan. I only had an idea. I was not ready to write.

No worries, I thought. I’ll rough together an outline quickly. Make some decisions about characters and I’ll catch up.

I never did.

This week marks the end of NaNoWriMo and I have virtually nothing written. My first attempt at NaNoWriMo* was a complete and total failure, although I have a sweet outline and a couple of (very bad) chapters. 

But this failure was one of the driving concepts behind The Advent Resolution. If you aren’t prepared to tackle big goals, they won’t happen. And if you never set aside time to prepare, you’ll never be comfortable setting those ambitious goals.

I’ve got a lot of goals and ideas for the next year. I'm too often guilty of trying to tackle them all at the same time. Right now, I’m trying to work out which projects I will tackle and which ones will stay on the shelf. 

So I’m committing this first week of Advent to thinking about focus. Wondering how to tackle these goals while still being a great dad and a husband. I’m reflecting on the influences in my life that strengthen and sustain me. I'm trying to remember how to focus in a multitasking world.

We’ll see where it leads me.

The Advent Resolution is simple: Prayerfully prepare for the coming year.

* I plan to try again. Next time, though, I'll actually be prepared.

Tiny house cabins

I'm fascinated by the tiny house movement and love sites like Tiny House Talk. The designer in me loves the efficiency, even though with three kids, I'll never be able to live in a tiny house.

But a tiny cabin up in the mountains somewhere... for weekend retreats... maybe I could swing that someday. I stumbled across these cabins by Wheelhaus on Tiny House Talk. I love modern designs and so these are right up my alley. Wheelhaus has a number of designs and sizes.

There is also a resort with Wheelhaus cabins in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Jackson Hole is beautiful, especially Grand Tetons National Park. Maybe next time we head that way, we can stay in one of these awesome cabins.

Wanted in Columbia: Not more rain...

Wanted in Columbia talks about retail happenings in Columbia and the surrounding area, but right now, it seems silly to talk about a new store or restaurant.

Much of Columbia is underwater. Bridges are washed out. Homes are destroyed. The Forest Acres area – one of my favorite parts of town – is devastated. And this comes after Forest Acres lost a police officer in a shooting earlier this week.

(I’m in Columbia, so my mind is here. But much of our state is devastated, especially the coastal areas like Charleston.)

The Columbia area is hurting. So we need prayers and support. Be safe. Help your neighbors. Thank your first responders. Look out for each other. It’s a long road ahead for recovery and our strength is in our unity.

RIP Radio Shack

It looks like Radio Shack is finally done. 

I have fond memories of TRS-80 computers in elementary school. But really, for me, Radio Shack was the place I went to get the random wires, cables, batteries, adapters and assorted junk that I needed to connect the random pieces of tech I had collected. And back when I had Commodore computers, component stereo systems and more, Radio Shack was the key to connecting everything.

The last time I walked in a Radio Shack was four years ago. I needed a cable – an odd cable – and so I stopped by the Radio Shack near my work. I walked in and worked my way through all the cell phones to the back corner where they had a limited selection of cables. When I couldn't find the cable I needed, one of their associates recommended that I try Best Buy or Amazon.

You might think this tale shows they lost focus. That they somehow lost their way. But in reality, the market they created doesn't exist anymore. They knew that. 

At some point – obviously too late – Radio Shack realized they weren't going to survive selling cables and accessories and so they branched out. Consumer electronics systems have gotten simpler and the places that sell them – like Best Buy and Target – sell all the cables and adapters you need. The specialty stuff, you can order from Amazon.

No one needs to make a special trip to a second store to buy cables. So basically, they tried to reinvent themselves to be a cross between a cell phone sales center and a mini Best Buy. Give them credit... they tried to change. But Best Buy has a hard enough time making money even at its scale. Radio Shack never really had a chance.

Linked: When did girls start wearing pink?

An interesting article from Smithsonian about gender specific clothing. I was pretty surprised to learn this was a relatively recent trend. Having two older girls and a young son, I can completely confirm that today, it's very difficult to find clothing that doesn't scream boy or girl. And the gender divide is especially pronounced for infants and toddlers.

Linked: The Oatmeal and a Google Self-Driving Car

A great read over at the Oatmeal about Google's self-driving car. An entertaining look at the technology and some really great thoughts about the potential of the self-driving car. 

I'm not sure how I feel about the self-driving car. I'm intrigued. The other day, I witnessed an 18-wheeler slam into a concrete barricade and bounce back onto a busy interstate. How could a self-driving car handle a scenario like this? And count me among the people who aren't 100% sure of Google's motivations in creating this technology.

But the upside is amazing. We'll see if it ever matures into mass-market technology.

Roughly 200 posts

I've had Sketchbook B since February 2008. Over the last 6 years, I've posted over 200 blog posts, most of them related to design and typography. Since Sketchbook B is a project for me to explore and express ideas, I'm not overly concerned with web traffic analytics. But I do love looking through my traffic logs and seeing what completely random articles people are finding via Google.

My most recent findings:

By far, my most read article is a post from 2009 on how to create a vignette effect in InDesign. Which is funny because it's outdated. I posted an update, but it doesn't get nearly as much traffic as the original does. People also seem to land on my article about Star Trek view screens. Or they stumble across my mother's advice on criticism. People look for free fonts and want presets for Flare.

I guess what I find most amazing is how random it all seems. Why is one post discovered more often than another? If my livelihood depended on ad income from web site traffic – which thankfully it does not – I think the lack of an easily discernible pattern would completely drive me crazy.

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

I had one of those geek out moments with a client this week. I mentioned that I typically drink a cup of Earl Grey tea each morning. To which he responded: "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." After we stopped laughing, we had to explain Captain Picard's obsession with Earl Grey tea to some confused coworkers.

Afterwards, I had to come to the realization that a TV show that aired in 1987 effects my behavior today.

I was in middle school when the fictional Star Trek captain first ordered his beverage of choice from the replicator. At the time, we had hot tea in the house, but it was Mint or Lemon-flavored. I mostly would drink it when I was sick. But there was no Earl Grey that I remember.

Star Trek: The Next Generation ran for a long time and still runs in syndication today. I'm not sure when I started to drink Earl Grey, but it was sometime during or just after college. I'm sure I decided to buy some tea and when faced with too many options, I simply went with the option I "knew."

It makes me wonder just how many other choices I've made are directly or indirectly traced back to television and media. I know I have a slight Nike bias because I grew up in Chicago during the Michael Jordan years. But other than Earl Grey and an affinity for Nike, I can't think of any other long lasting influence that a show or movie has made on me. I'm sure there are many more but I can't piece them together right now.

That said, I really like my Earl Grey tea. And I'll happily have a cup every morning. But I'll probably never think of it the same way again.